Rotary Club of Maroubra
Club News
Social Night Out
Oh, how sweet it was to have an informal dinner out with Rotary friends.
We enjoyed, what seemed to be a million courses dinner and were stuffed to the gills - thank you Niji Japanese restaurant for taking good care of us.
Our President involved everyone in a 10-question quiz about Japanese food and Dee won hands down. Well, she did have an advantage...Dee lived in Japan for several months.
It was a wonderful evening and we plan to have the next one to celebrate Oktoberfest in late September/October


August 1, 2022
Dr Alan Watson AM
Education: The most sustainable form of development aid.
August 8, 2022
Joe Duarte
Employment/September/Who bakes this cake
August 15, 2022
Hannah Moore
Community Foster Care

Please contact Michael Pusey with suggestions for guest speakers or topics of interest.




Club Meetings

Welcome to Maroubra Rotary.

Mondays at 7:00 PM
The Juniors
The Glassroom, Level 1,
558a Anzac Parade
Kingsford, NSW 2032
Venue Map

Rotary Club of Maroubra 

R.I. District 9675
Ms Jennifer Jones
Rotary International President
Ms Janice Hall
District Governor
Ms Vimla Hayman
Assistant Governor

Maroubra Junction Hotel


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