The Rotary Club of Maroubra members welcomed Rachel Natoli from the Lokahi Foundation, Monday 7th August. The Lokahi Foundation was formed in 2016 by Rachael Natoli after leaving a long-term abusive relationship in which she was subjected to physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse. After finally finding the strength to leave, she and her then 2-year old twins had 5 different “homes” in 7 weeks, before they finally resettled into a new safe and happy life. It wasn’t an easy road, and Rachael couldn’t have got through the stress and difficulty of leaving without the encouragement and understanding of her caseworker, who went above and beyond in the level of care and support she provided. Rachael realised that if everyone had a caseworker like hers, more DFV victims would leave, stay away and rebuild their lives independently, and so the idea for Lokahi was born…and Rachael is now dedicating her life to advocating domestic abuse prevention and support through Lokahi. The members of Rotary Club Maroubra would like to thank Rachel for sharing her story and informing members about the amazing work the Lokahi Foundation are doing to support victims of DFV. Rotary Cub of Maroubra will be looking into ways they can help support the Lokahi Foundation.