PCYC Darcyville New Boxing Floor 

Tara Coleman Club Manager, Darcyville PCYC presented to Rotary Club of Maroubra a Certificate of Appreciation. 
To thank the club for supporting the local PCYC by contributing to their fundraising for the New Boxing Floor.
PCYC Darcyville New Boxing Floor 2024-04-06 13:00:00Z 0
Dog Fun Day at Maroubra Beach Raffle 2024-03-17 13:00:00Z 0

Ryan Nolan talks about his experience at RYLA

4th March 2024
Ryan Nolan, talks to Rotary Maroubra Club Members about his experience at RYLA.
RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts giving young adults aged 18-25, the opportunity to develop their skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
Ryan found the leadership course inspiring and highly motivating. Post RYLA, Ryan and several of his peers are continuing to work on their idea to create a volunteer sign-up App, which Rotary District has expressed a keen interest to support;  The idea behind the App is to make it easier for volunteers to sign up; and to help volunteer run organisations including Rotary find the right kind of volunteer, a Win/Win.
Rotary Maroubra Club Members wish Ryan and all RYLA participants, every success for the future, and they also look forward to supporting Ryan & his peers, progress with this great initiative.
Ryan Nolan talks about his experience at RYLA 2024-03-10 13:00:00Z 0
Dog Fun Day at Maroubra Beach 7th April Join the Fun 2024-03-10 13:00:00Z 0

The Tie Dye Project Set up

Rotary Club of Maroubra sponsored a marquee which was used for making an assortment of tie-dye t-shirts, scrunchies, socks and towels all of which will sold, during the Tie-Dye Project Event, to help raise money and awareness about sarcoma bone cancer. 
Heffron Park Netball Courts
46 Fitzgerald Ave, Maroubra, NSW
The Tie Dye Project Set up 2023-11-18 13:00:00Z 0

The Tie Dye Project Making Rainbows and Fighting Sarcoma

Guest Speakers Amy Parmenter & Molly Croft will be talking to Rotary Club of Maroubra (November 6th), about the Tie Dye Project Festival
To be held at 
Heffron Park Netball Courts
46 Fitzgerald Ave, Maroubra, NSW
Sarcoma is a leading cause
of cancer related deaths in  0-24 year olds, yet it remains
severely underfunded.
All visitors and non-members welcome to attend.
The Rotary Club of Maroubra
Meets Monday at 7:00 PM - Guest Speakers at 8pm
The Juniors
The Glassroom, Level 1,
558a Anzac Parade
Kingsford, NSW 2032
The Tie Dye Project Making Rainbows and Fighting Sarcoma 2023-10-29 13:00:00Z 0

Volunteering at Maroubra Fun Run  Oct 22nd

A Big Shout Out to all the Local Community Volunteers that helped set up this years Maroubra Family Fun Run & Spring Carnivale Event, including  South Maroubra Surf Life Saving Club,  Randwick SESMaroubra RSL Bowling Club, the Rotary Club of MaroubraUNSW Rotaract and the Maroubra Lions Club.  With more than 1500 participants taking part in the 4km or 8km loop, that started and finished at South Maroubra SLSC; and over 100 trophies to be handed out from under 12 to over 70 all volunteers were kept very busy. 
Special thanks goes out to RCM members Vivienne, David, Alex, Michael, Ian, Gary & John, & Our Good Friends of Rotary Peter & Edward who all clubbed together and helped 
hand out runners bibs, cut up over 200 oranges and bananas, set up the trophy table, and much much more.  And of course not forgetting Pres. Simon, who this year volunteered to be up on stage and MC for the day.  
Interested in Volunteering? Get in touch send an email to rotary_marboura@hotmail.com
Volunteering at Maroubra Fun Run Oct 22nd 2023-10-21 13:00:00Z 0

Guest Speakers Weave Youth and Community Services 

Members of Rotary Club Maroubra, welcomed guest speakers Cianni & Yvette from Weave Youth and Community Services, on Monday 16th October, to talk about the Kool Kids program.
Weave Youth and Community Services, is place-based community organisation that has been delivering a range of programs, supports and services developed with and for the
community for 47 years. Weave’s origins date back to 1976, when a group of local Aboriginal women in Redfern/Waterloo advocated for services, activities and support for local young people.
Weave’s purpose is to empower people to change their lives, and healing is at the centre of our work. As a non-Aboriginal controlled organisation, Weave is strongly committed to walking alongside Aboriginal people in their ongoing fight for justice and self-determination. Over 70% of all those they support across Weave are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
The Weave Kool Kids Program is an early intervention and prevention program providing children aged 7-12 years with opportunities to engage in skill-building recreational activities and therapeutic mentoring.
The Switch Leadership component of the program supports 13-18 year olds who have been through the children’s program to be peer mentors and get support
through adolescence. The three fundamental aims of the Kool Kids Program that have held true since the program began in 2001 are:
● Keep children engaged in education
● Build the confidence, strength and resilience of children
● Provide respite to families experiencing complex issues
These programs have a far reaching positive impact for kids, families and community. Through positive engagement experiences they are helping these kids grow and thrive into becoming the next generation of future community leaders.
Guest Speakers Weave Youth and Community Services 2023-10-20 13:00:00Z 0

Maroubra Fun Run Sunday 22 October

The Juniors Maroubra Fun Run & Spring Festival is returning after a 3 year break due to Covid.  This will be the 25th year and will be held on Sunday 22 October 2023.

The Fun Run & Spring Festival is always one of Maroubra’s biggest and best annual family and community days.  People come from near and far.  Some run, some walk and some wheel around the course.  Some will be super-fit, some will still be working on their fitness, and some will prefer to skip the Fun Run opportunity and just enjoy the Spring Festival.  But EVERYONE will have a good time.

This year the major sponsor is The Juniors.  Proceeds from the day will benefit the P&C Association of schools fielding the winning teams and various local community organizations, including the South Maroubra Surf Life Saving Club, the Rotary Club of Maroubra (major sponsor in recent years) and the Lions Club of Maroubra.



Maroubra Fun Run Sunday 22 October 2023-10-13 13:00:00Z 0

Weave Youth and Community Services

All visitors and non-members welcome to attend.
Guest Speakers Oct 16, 2023 8:00 PM
Weave Youth and Community Services (registered charity)
provide counselling, crisis intervention, and therapeutic programs for over 45 years, 
Connecting and providing support and empowering young people and families who are often facing complex issues such as poverty, poor mental health ,domestic and family violence, homelessness, alcohol and other drug issues.
The Rotary Club of Maroubra
Meets Monday at 7:00 PM - Guest Speakers at 8pm
The Juniors
The Glassroom, Level 1,
558a Anzac Parade
Kingsford, NSW 2032
Weave Youth and Community Services 2023-10-13 13:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Sallianne Faulkner
 General Manager of Bayside Women’s Shelter, 18th September 2023.

Members of Rotary Club Maroubra, welcomed Sallianne Faulkner
General Manager of Bayside Women’s Shelter as guest speaker, 18th September 2023.
Bayside Women’s Shelter opened its doors 5 years ago and has provided crisis accommodation for over 200 women (and their families) impacted
by domestic violence.
When setting up the facility the Bayside Women's Shelter team worked in partnership with Women’s Community Shelter (WCS) who are an organisation
dedicated to sheltering homeless women through local community fundraising and philanthropy.
With the support of WCS, Bayside council and Local businesses funding was provided to secure and convert a six bedroom residential house in the Bayside
Community. Each of the women housed there today, is given their own room, and they share a communal living area, bathrooms, kitchen and laundry.
The Shelter not only provides short-term accommodation, food and a safe refuge, it also provides additional support to help women rebuild their lives by helping with funding for further education in TAFE and other courses facilitating a woman’s economic independence.  They also provide access to communication essentials – phone, tablet, and internet access to help these women find jobs and permanent housing opportunities.
This model of support has meant that the women who have stayed at Bayside Women’s Shelter have successfully managed to restart a new life vs returning back to their abusive relationship something that this organisation is very proud to say is their number one achievement to date.
Guest Speaker Sallianne Faulkner  General Manager of Bayside Women’s Shelter, 18th September 2023. 2023-10-07 13:00:00Z 0

Maroubra Club Project Support 

The Rotary Club of Maroubra actively supports a wide range of projects locally and internationally. 
October 2023
  • Commitment to pledge a donation supporting two local community charity projects via Sydney Community Foundation 
  • Sponsorship of Local Maroubra Student,  to attend The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
  • Volunteering at The Juniors Maroubra Fun Run & Spring Festival October 2022
September 2023
  • Donation to World Suicide Prevention Day September 10th - Hosted by Sydney Community Safe Space at Coogee 
  • Donation to support Books for Zimbabwe -  in support of Rotary Dubbo fundraising to secure shipping container 
August 2023
  • Sponsorship of three students from the Bowen College (Youth of the Streets)  RYPEN personal development weekend
July 2023
  • Donation to the Dry July Foundation in support of  Ovarian Cancer Australia 
Maroubra Club Project Support 2023-09-08 14:00:00Z 0

Guest Speakers Ben Higgs & Shaun Hockly The Rise Foundation

Members of Rotary Club Maroubra, welcomed Ben Higgs and Shaun Hockly from The Rise Foundation to talk about their work with Mental Health and Suicide prevention. 
Ben had been significantly impacted with the  loss of several friends to suicide in 2013, and felt compelled to find a way to help his mates, his community and his own mental wellbeing. He created Rise Foundation, a Mental Health Education and resilience organisation built on lived experience and evidence based techniques and tools. 
He soon partnered with Shaun who for 10 years also ran Reborn Fitness and Wellbeing and has helped thousands of people change their lives in health and fitness. Shaun had managed to overcome his own battle with mental health issues through physical fitness.
Together they founded the Mental Health Response Course (MRC). Initially designed to help those working in the fitness industry be able to recognise someone experiencing mental health issues. 
The popularity of the course has gone from strength to strength and today MRC is Accredited through Fitness Australia and Exercise and Sports Science. The Course is for Teachers, Students, PTs, Sports Mangers & Coaches, Massage Therapists, Physios, anyone working with Reporting Staff.  
They are also now working in collaboration with UNSW research department sharing data they have collected over the years on their successful results  of Physical Health supporting Mental Health programs.
This is one the  many ways they are giving back to the community at large as they continue to grow The Rise Foundation and champion  mental health through physical health.

The Rotary Club of Maroubra would like to thank Ben & Shaun for visiting our Club and for sharing their vision and their personal stories on mental health. 
We would also like to thank Loradana  Fyffe from Sydney Community Foundation, for the introduction to the Rise Foundation.

Guest Speakers Ben Higgs & Shaun Hockly The Rise Foundation 2023-09-07 14:00:00Z 0

World Suicide Prevention Day Sept 10th

Rotary Club Maroubra Received  a Special Shout Out today on Insta, from the Sydney Community Safe Space Team.
If you are in Coogee September 10th at Goldstein Reserve 8am-11am, say hello to Alan & Ross and the Volunteers, 
this is a family event. Let's help get this conversation started - we all have a role to play in suicide prevention.
World Suicide Prevention Day Sept 10th 2023-09-07 14:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Rachel Natoli from the Lokahi Foundation, Monday 7th August.

The Rotary Club of Maroubra members welcomed Rachel Natoli from the Lokahi Foundation, Monday 7th August.
The Lokahi Foundation was formed in 2016 by Rachael Natoli after leaving a long-term abusive relationship in which she was subjected to physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse.
After finally finding the strength to leave, she and her then 2-year old twins had 5 different “homes” in 7 weeks, before they finally resettled into a new safe and happy life. It wasn’t an easy road, and Rachael couldn’t have got through the stress and difficulty of leaving without the encouragement and understanding of her caseworker, who went above and beyond in the level of care and support she provided.
Rachael realised that if everyone had a caseworker like hers, more DFV victims would leave, stay away and rebuild their lives independently, and so the idea for Lokahi was born…and Rachael is now dedicating her life to advocating domestic abuse prevention and support through Lokahi.
The members of Rotary Club Maroubra would like to thank
Rachel for sharing her story and informing members about the amazing work the Lokahi Foundation are doing to support victims of DFV. Rotary Cub of Maroubra will be looking into ways they can help support the Lokahi Foundation.
Guest Speaker Rachel Natoli from the Lokahi Foundation, Monday 7th August.  mw 2023-08-06 14:00:00Z 0

Alan Earls and Ross Durkin from Sydney Community Safe Space Inc. guest speakers July 17th 

The Rotary Club of Maroubra members welcomed Alan Earls and Ross Durkin from Sydney Community Safe Space as our special guest speakers on July 17th - Talking About Suicide Prevention
The Sydney Community Safe Space team runs a peer-Led suicide prevention program that supports anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts, behaviour or thinking.
Or who maybe experiencing mental distress, or chronic loneliness.
This program is supported by Roses in the Ocean, and runs using trained Peer Support Volunteers, who themselves have lived experience of suicidality and/or mental distress either from their own lives or supporting someone in a carer capacity. 
The Safe-Space itself is a Community Space, that provides a warm, welcoming  environment in which to reduce stress. It is an alternative to the emergency department, which are not the best fit for people in emotional pain and distress.
Alan and Ross first set-up a Pop-up community safe space in Summer Hill , Inner West  (Aug-21) . It now has a permanent home and runs every Friday & Saturday night.
The team have recently set-up a new Pop-up safe space in Coogee at the Eastward Senior Citizen Community Centre.
It opens its doors each Thursday & Friday night from 6pm-9pm. They are hoping that with the help and support from the Local Community, Local Health Services and Randwick Council this Pop-up, will soon find a permanent home in the Coogee/Randwick/Maroubra area.
The Members of Rotary Club Maroubra, would like to thank Alan Earls & Ross Durkin, for connecting with our Club.
As active members of the Local Community  we look forward to finding ways for us to rally and show our support for the Sydney Community Safe Team, And we look forward to them setting up permanent residency in the Eastern Suburbs.
Alan Earls and Ross Durkin from Sydney Community Safe Space Inc. guest speakers July 17th   mw 2023-07-22 14:00:00Z 0

Loredana Fyffe, CEO of Sydney Community Foundation guest speaker July 3rd.

Rotary Club of Maroubra members welcomed Loredana Fyffe, CEO of Sydney Community Foundation as our special guest speaker on July 3rd.
The Sydney Community Foundation is a not for profit organisation whos’ mission is to
positively impact the lives of people in Sydney by connecting funding to communities in need.
Loredana was introduced by Rtn. David Allison, who has been working and supporting Loredana and her team to further develop opportunities for funding which supports their philanthropy programs.
Loredana shared a selection of local projects that she thought would be of interest to the club and its members.
The project topics ranged from supporting victims of  domestic violence (DV); Youth mental health education programs;  Supporting people who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine, now living in Greater Sydney and future changemaker scholarships for disadvantaged female students.
Loredana also included a proposal to the Club to consider setting up a Seed Fund with Sydney Community Foundation which can then be used for fundraising as well as making community grants to support grassroot charities in the Local community and across Greater Sydney.
The Members of Rotary Club Maroubra, would like to thank Loredana for her presentation and to Rtn David Allison for this introduction, it has given us all much to think about.  We are looking forward to discussing and exploring these projects and the benefits that a partnership with Sydney Community Foundation could bring to the local community.
Loredana Fyffe, CEO of Sydney Community Foundation guest speaker July 3rd. mw 2023-07-13 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome our President for 2023-24 
Simon Nolan

Welcome back to the Presidency of the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
Simon was the Club President in 2020-21 and has returned to continue the good community and Rotary works of the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
In Simon's words:
Hi all and welcome to a new era in Rotary-ing, I am delighted to be your leader and font of all wisdom! Thanks to IPP Francis and his team for everything they did to keep us on track as I feel I have inherited a well-oiled machine that is facing in the right direction. I have put together a basic plan as to what I’d like to see the club achieve/do for the year, if anyone would like a copy just ask and I will forward it to you. I think if we all pitch in a little it will make light work of things so I look forward to you attending some meetings and bringing your friendship, your ideas and your enthusiasm.
We all look forward to a very successful year under Simon.
Welcome our President for 2023-24 Simon Nolan fc 2023-06-22 14:00:00Z 0

Imagine with Janice


On June 19, District Governor Janice attended the Changeover night. She gave a wonderful speech on her term and the future of Rotary.
Below is the link to her farewell message:
The Rotary Club of Maroubra thanks our outgoing DG Janice and look forward to welcoming her back to the Club and hearing of her ongoing projects with Rotary.
Imagine with Janice  fc 2023-06-22 14:00:00Z 0

Deli  Sensory Toys for Kids

Recently the Rotary Club of Maroubra provided the Deli with new educational and sensory toys for toddler and pre-school-aged children.
These new sensory toys equipped the Deli team to support neurodiverse children, and children triggered by trauma. These toys help support children in regulating their emotions and finding a sense of safety after trauma.
Part of the donation was also allocated to new uniforms for our Family Support team. Special thanks to Rtn Vivienne for organizing this donation on behalf of the Club.
Read more in the Story Content.
Deli Sensory Toys for Kids VP 2023-06-14 14:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Visit from Sri Lanka

On June 5, we had the pleasure of meeting two fellow Rotarians from Sri Lanka Rtn. Vaiyapuri, Rtn. Prasad.
Both are from the RC Wattala, in Colombo Sri Lanka. Coincidentally we found out that this Club is only a short distance from where Rtn. Pam does her charity work. Therefore this Club may be able to work with us in the future.
The RC of Maroubra presented the Rtn Vaiyapuri with our club's banner see picture below.
Rotarian Visit from Sri Lanka fc 2023-06-10 14:00:00Z 0
Changeover Night June 19, 2023 Book Now fc 2023-06-05 14:00:00Z 0

Intergenerational Community Connections

Sam Herron presented to the Rotary Club of Maroubra on Monday, May 15. 
Sam is the founder of Heart & Soul an organisation that brings communities together.
Her purpose is to bring school kids and age-care residents together which results in tremendous benefits for both groups.
Did you know that almost 50% of age-care residents feel some form of depression? This also correlates with the fact to only 50% of age-care residents get visitors.
On the flip side, one-third of young people experience a mental health episode. Putting the two groups together improves mental health which in turn improves community health.
Heart & Soul is working with several councils, aged care facilities and surrounding schools and seeks help from Rotary to provide connections and sustainable partnerships.
Intergenerational Community Connections fc 2023-05-15 14:00:00Z 0

PCYC - Fit 4 Kits Breakfast Project

On Thursday, May 11, the Rotary Club of Maroubra was awarded a special certificate to acknowledge our breakfast sponsorship.
President Francis went to visit a workout session which was attended by about 30 persons including representatives of the police force, the Roosters and Tara (PCYC) with her team.
PCYC - Fit 4 Kits Breakfast Project fc 2023-05-13 14:00:00Z 0

Social Night Out

On May 1, the Rotary Club of Maroubra had a Social Night Out. It was a fun night out.
The night was held at the Maroubra Junction Hotel, which is a sponsor of the Club.
Attending Rotarians and partners had a private area to themselves, enjoyed a three-course menu and were surprised by a Trivia competition.
The Trivia questions centred around general international and of course a splattering of Rotary knowledge. Simon our incoming President won the Trivia and the close second was Marita Day. Both received special prizes.
Social Night Out fc 2023-05-01 14:00:00Z 0

Welcome Our New Rotarian Maria Wrenn

The Rotary Club of Maroubra formally inducted Rtn. Maria Wrenn on April 17, 2023. Pictured are (left to right) Rtn. Simon (Service Director and incoming President), Rtn Maria Wrenn, Rtn Francis (President) and Rtn Vivienne (Membership Director).
Maria was searching for a local volunteer opportunity when she came across the Rotary Club Maroubra. Maria works full-time as an operations manager for the beauty industry for the past 15 years. 
However her interests lie in promoting Holistic Health and she runs a small private practice (energy healing and holistic counselling) that supports friends, family and neighbours.  
Maria also has an interest in Mental Health and recently acquired accreditation as a Standard Mental Health First Aider. Maria says she is "really looking forward to becoming an active member of the Rotary Club of Maroubra, to find ways to serve her local community and be an inspiration to her children.
Welcome Our New Rotarian Maria Wrenn 2023-04-18 14:00:00Z 0

Trying Education in Ghana by Hellen Orr

Hellen started her presentation with a history of Ghana. Ghana is a West African country that has a rich history dating back thousands of years. The earliest known civilization in Ghana was the Kingdom of Ghana, which existed from the 6th to the 13th century AD. This kingdom was a major center of trade in West Africa, and its rulers were wealthy due to their control of gold and salt trade routes.
In the late 15th century, Portuguese explorers arrived in Ghana, and the region became an important centre of the transatlantic slave trade. The British eventually gained control of Ghana in the late 19th century, and in 1957, Ghana became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence from British colonial rule.
Ghana has experienced significant political and economic changes since its independence. Today, Ghana is known for its rich cultural heritage, natural resources, and growing economy. The country is a major producer of cocoa, gold, and oil, and its capital city, Accra, is a vibrant centre of art, music, and commerce. Ghana is also home to a number of important historical sites, including the slave castles along the coast and the ancient city of Kumasi.
Hellen has been very involved with her Ghanaian extended family since the untimely passing of her partner. She is now fundraising for three children for their ongoing education and helping the family to start a small business in Ghana.
Trying Education in Ghana by Hellen Orr fc 2023-04-17 14:00:00Z 0
Happy Easter fc 2023-04-06 14:00:00Z 0

SECC Our Wonderful Projects

Juliette Herrera delivered a perfectly crafted and informative talk about the role of social workers generally and about her leadership of the Rage anger-management program at South Eastern Community Connect (SECCS). The Rage program funded by Maroubra RC helps young people to cope with otherwise dysfunctional reactions to difficult social situations and challenges. Juliette explained the several functions of casework, group support personal counselling that SECCS offers to severely disadvantaged clients in our area.
SECC Our Wonderful Projects MP 2023-04-06 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Information Night

Rotary Information Night was a tremendous success. We welcomed 16 guests representing 14 locally based businesses.
Rotary Information Night fc 2023-03-30 13:00:00Z 0

La Perouse Museum

Last week we welcomed Roxanne Fea from the La Perouse Museum.  She updated us on the ongoing improvements at the museum, the Aboriginal art exhibitions and regaled us with the fascinating story of the French explorer Lapérouse. Our Club is proud to support this multi-disciplinary museum that preserves our rich and diverse local history and tells many stories up to the present day.
La Perouse is a suburb located in the southeastern part of Sydney, Australia. It is situated on the northern headland of Botany Bay and is named after the French navigator, Jean-Francois de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse, who arrived in the area in 1788. La Perouse is known for its historical significance, natural beauty, and cultural diversity.
One of the main attractions in La Perouse is the La Perouse Museum, which is located in the 19th-century Cable Station building. The museum showcases the history of the area, including the arrival of La Pérouse and the Indigenous people who inhabited the land for thousands of years.
In addition to its historical and natural attractions, La Perouse is also known for its cultural diversity. The area has a large Indigenous population and is home to the La Perouse Aboriginal Community and the Muru Mittigar Cultural Centre, which offers tours, workshops, and cultural experiences.
La Perouse Museum fc 2023-03-23 13:00:00Z 0

SECC BBQ Volunteers

Thanks to all the volunteers for SECC BBQ Fun Day.
A very special thanks to all the Rotarians volunteering for the BBQ. We served close to 500 sausages with fried onions. Terrific effort all around.  The SECC was very grateful for our efforts for what was a fantastic day for the children and a great celebration for SECC’s 45th birthday.
SECC BBQ Volunteers fc 2023-03-17 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Blood Donation Event

The Rotary Club of St George Next Gen is wishing to gather support from members of other clubs and make this  Blood Drive a regular social event, every 3 months.
They plan to meet at 12 noon for lunch at The Grounds in the QVB then donate blood at the Town Hall centre, appointments begin 2pm.
Please contact Elinor Perch 0415 699 923 (or by email: elinor.perch@gmail.com)
Rotary Blood Donation Event fc 2023-03-07 13:00:00Z 0

Domestic Violence!  Speaker Chief Inspector Tracy Ford

Domestic Violence!
The Rotary Club of Maroubra was privileged to host Chief Inspector Tracy Ford as our guest speaker on domestic violence.
Unfortunately, we learned that domestic violence is one of the top three main issues in our community, along with mental health and drug abuse. The main factor contributing to domestic violence are the increasing financial pressures, stalking and self-esteem issues.
The Maroubra police have a specialist team that proactively identifies persons at risk and intervene. Sadly domestic violence is not just perpetrated on women but also on men, siblings and same-sex couples.
Featured in the picture are Samantha Heron and Carolyn Lancaster who also attended, speaking on the STEP program and the Randwick's Council's youth and family community development respectively. 
Domestic Violence! Speaker Chief Inspector Tracy Ford fc 2023-02-27 13:00:00Z 0

Youth Exchange Program

Rotary Youth Exchange
Rtn David Symonds presented the Youth Exchange program to the Club. Below are some of the key points and why you may want to consider being part of this program.
This program is directed at students in years 9 and 10. The program is Club based and reciprocal meaning if we would participate we would have to make a 12-month commitment. Hosting Exchange Students would require a Working with Children certs, two to four host families, organising appropriate schooling, furnish the student with a blazer and monthly USD$120 allowance plus one ‘grand’ tour.
Plus there is the usual administrative side including forms and reports.
The benefits are numerous and our own Rtn Bruce L was an Exchange Student many moons ago. The main benefits are the opportunity to send one of our students to experience a truly unique experience, and in hosting we would benefit from the incoming student’s cultural exchange, long-term friendships with the families involved and potential new Rotarians, all while actively working on goodwill and mutual understanding.
This matter is now a little bit urgent as there is a deadline of April 30, 2023, to express our interest.
So if you are interested please contact our Youth Director, President or Secretary.
Youth Exchange Program fc 2023-02-21 13:00:00Z 0
SECC Fun Day March 18, 2023 fc 2023-02-15 13:00:00Z 0

Sail from Hobart to Sydney

For all you Sailers out there...
On my short trip to Tasmania, I saw this poster at the Wooden Boat Festival in Hobard.
From April 15 to April 27 (weather permitting) you can sail with a tall ship Windeward Bound from Hobart to Sydney with the Rotary Club of Sunnybank.
Details on www.windewardbound.com.au
Sail from Hobart to Sydney fc 2023-02-15 13:00:00Z 0

Presidential Theme 2023-24

RI president-elect announces 2023-24 presidential theme



Rotary International President-elect R. Gordon R. McInally called for members to capture the world's attention and lead the way toward possibilities far beyond our current expectations.

McInally, a member of the Rotary Club of South Queensferry, West Lothian, Scotland, revealed the 2023-24 presidential theme, Create Hope in the World, during the Rotary International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 9 January. He urged members to promote peace in troubled nations, help those affected by conflict, and maintain the momentum of initiatives begun by past leaders.

"The goal is to restore hope — to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves," McInally said at Rotary's annual training event for incoming district governors.

McInally spoke about a woman he met in Ban Taling Chan, Thailand, where Rotary members helped build houses, a meeting hall, and childcare and health care facilities following the tsunami that devastated South Asia in late 2004. The woman had lost her husband, her daughter, and her son in the tsunami, as well as her livelihood. But she still had a gift to offer McInally: a beautiful seashell.

"She went on to tell me that Rotary... had restored her optimism. We gave her hope," McInally said.

"This is how Rotary brings lasting change to the world," he added, "one restored or newly created hope at a time."

Promoting peace

A significant way to bring hope to the world is to put a greater emphasis on peace, McInally said. He cited the action Rotary members have taken in the past year to support the people of Ukraine after the invasion by Russia. Rotary has made humanitarian relief a priority, attracting more Ukrainian members in the process. But McInally noted that true relief won't come without peace — not just in Ukraine, but in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, and dozens of other places around the globe.

"Peace is the soil where hope takes root," McInally said.

McInally also emphasized the power of continuity, calling for Rotary members to continue the work of some past leaders. He pledged to maintain the Empowering Girls initiative launched by 2021-22 President Shekhar Mehta and uphold the emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout Rotary. He also noted recent events that underscore the importance of Rotary's continuing focus on polio. In the past year, polio cases have emerged in many areas around the world, making it more crucial than ever for Rotary members to lead the fight against the disease.

To do that, McInally said, Rotary must continue to raise at least US$50 million each year to receive the full 2-to-1 funding match from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Only about 1 in 12 members currently gives to the polio eradication campaign, with fewer than 1 in 5 clubs donating each year.

McInally asked the district governors-elect for support creating a new sense of urgency in their clubs to help realize Rotary's vision of a polio-free world. "This is the time for us to go beyond what's necessary year to year and make sure we provide every resource necessary to succeed as quickly as possible," he added.

Focusing on mental health

In addition, McInally said, Rotary members should offer hope to those affected by mental health challenges — a crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have lost family members, many more have found their social networks uprooted, and young people especially have had their educational and developmental paths interrupted. As a result, more people around the world are facing mental health issues. And yet, seeking assistance is often perceived as a sign of weakness.

"Nothing could be further from the truth," McInally said. "Reaching out for help is courageous — and continuing on a path toward wellness is even more so."

He added that Rotary will work to improve mental health services in the next year and beyond. Rotary should be known as an organization that takes care of its members as well as the people it serves, McInally said. "Any mental health professional will tell you that by helping others, we essentially help ourselves."

McInally ended his speech by describing his ideal balance of continuity and innovation. "Rotary helps create the conditions for peace, opportunity, and a future worth living," he said. "By continuing what we do best, by remaining open and willing to change, and by keeping our focus on building peace in the world and within ourselves, Rotary helps create a more peaceful world — a more hopeful world."



Presidential Theme 2023-24 fc 2023-01-30 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary NYSF


NYSF 2014 Alumnus Linus Chow is a Flight Simulator Technician.  Unable to enter the course he initially wanted to do didn’t stop him from pursuing his career. Read on to find out how Linus took control of his own future and is now working in a job he loves with the help of the Rotary Club of Maroubra. 

“I’m Linus Chow, and I attended NYSF 2014 Session C and was in the Maxwell group. I’m a Flight Simulator Technician for the MRH90 Helicopter supplying training for Australian Army pilots.

Attending NYSF was an experience and a paradigm shift for me that changed my perspective on life after high school.  NYSF introduced me to the different pathways for career and education opportunities I could take to achieve my dream and the motivation and dedication required to achieve them. 

Read all about it on this link:

Rotary NYSF fc 2023-01-24 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year
Our best wishes for health and prosperity to all.
The year 2023, which begins on January 22, 2023 (Chinese New Year), and ends on February 9, 2024, is known as the year of the water rabbit. 
Chinese New Year 2018: How It'll Redefine Celebration Goals!
Rotary Chinese New Year 2023-01-18 13:00:00Z 0

Past and Ongoing Projects

Past Projects
- From 1989 until 2015, the Rotary Clubs of Randwick and Maroubra combined to conduct the successful Rotary Markets at Kingsford
- Financially assisting medical teams and many educational projects in disadvantaged countries and drought-stricken areas of NSW 
- Cosponsored the South Eastern Community Centre van to assist with food and other deliveries within the community
Ongoing Projects 
- Networking and fabulous guest speakers
- Supporting the Deli by providing funds to assist women in need
- Supporting South Eastern Community Centre by providing ongoing funds for their food pantry
- Supporting Weftshop - providing assistance to Burmese refugee women 
- Assisting our community youth with leadership and science courses
- Supporting the SECC with RAGE as a special course for young people and other projects/donations
- Supporting the eradication of Polio a Rotary International project
- Promoting World Peace
Future Projects 
- Police Awards - July 2023 - recognizing our local law enforcement officer
- Unsung Volunteers - May/June 2023 - celebrating our community volunteers
Past and Ongoing Projects fc 2023-01-17 13:00:00Z 0

SECC Food Donation

Christmas Food Donation to the SECC
RCM donated a substantial amount to the SECC to help out with their food bank (see background) for Christmas. Several masked Rotarians attended the SECC Christmas lunch and help distribute food from the pantry.
Thank you, John, Michael and Vivienne for attending. Below is the thank you message from SECC:
A big thank you to Rotary Maroubra: our friends and community partners. Thank you for all you do to make South East Sydney better.
Pictured: Our team with Rotary members at our end-of-year lunch at the Mascot Hub
SECC Food Donation fc 2023-01-12 13:00:00Z 0

Message from the President

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Welcome to 2023 and with it a new beginning for our Rotary activities.
Planned events for 2023 are as follows:
February  -  Board of Directors Elections
March - Membership Event
April - Police Awards
May - Unsung Volunteers
June - Changeover
As you are aware, Simon has been nominated and elected as our President-Elect for 2023/24. Simon has been our President before and together with both John’s and Wayne’s support as Secretary and Treasurer respectively, the club will be in good hands.
We also welcome a new supporter i.e. Eyecare Kids. Please see the contact details on our Website.
Looking forward to an eventful and productive 2023.
Yours in Rotary, Francis - President 2021-23
Message from the President 2023-01-03 13:00:00Z 0

Christmas Dinner 2022

Rotary Club of Maroubra Christmas Dinner
What a wonderful evening with Rotarians and friends. We were very privileged to have our Assistant Governor Vimla present, as well as Michael Daley (Member for Maroubra, NSW Government) and our good friends from the Lions Club John and Lainie, Juliette representing the SECC and last but not least we had Eilise and Brendan Lim join us for the festivities.
This year's party was held at the Golden Unicorn Chinese Restaurant with Lawrence and Grace being one of our long-term supporters. Thank you all that attended and contributed to the wonderful atmosphere of friendship and fellowship.
Christmas Dinner 2022 fc 2022-12-12 13:00:00Z 0

Christmas Dinner

The Rotary Club of Maroubra
Annual Christmas Party
Monday, December 12, 2021
From 18:45
Golden Unicorn Chinese Restaurant
193 Maroubra Road, Maroubra Junction
Dress is smart casual
Please bring your partners and friends
BYO and Cash Bar are available
RSVP by December 7
Call Francis on 0499 109 639 or
Email: rotary_maroubra@hotmail.com
Christmas Dinner fc 2022-12-01 13:00:00Z 0

Paris The City of Light

Paris City of Light by Rtn Michael
In the early 1800s, Paris was an unsanitary and over-crowed maze of back alleys. Then in the 1850s, Barron Hausmann was commissioned to create a new city of boulevards, gardens, grand avenues and public monuments. Thus, was born the ‘city of light’ built to impress. The city sparkles with life and innovation and is probably the most multicultural city in the world. Wow! Double Wow!
Paris The City of Light MP 2022-11-30 13:00:00Z 0

Melbourne 2023 

Rotary International Convention
Melbourne May 26 to 31, 2023
register for the 2022 Convention in Melbourne


Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) or Rod Laver Arena unless otherwise indicated. This information is subject to change, so check back often for the latest updates.

Purchase tickets to Rotary-ticketed events when you register for the convention online, by mail or fax.

Visit the Host Organization Committee website to purchase tickets to their exciting events, tours, and activities.


Melbourne 2023 Rotary 2022-11-21 13:00:00Z 0

District Events

Adopt a Christmas Tree for only $5 each via www.rotaryadoptatree.org.au
District Events fc 2022-11-16 13:00:00Z 0

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro by Rtn Peter Hamer

Mt. Kilimanjaro 12.2006.JPG

Our good friend and fellow Rotarian, Rtn Peter Hamer gave our members a truly amazing presentation on his accent on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It has three volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. It is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world: 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level and about 4,900 metres (16,100 ft) above its plateau base. It is the highest volcano in Africa and the Eastern Hemisphere. 

Peter had to climb three other mountains before attempting Mount Kilimanjaro in order to prepare himself both physically and mentally as only one in three succeed in this adventure. Congratulations on this achievement.



Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro by Rtn Peter Hamer FC 2022-11-14 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Upcoming Events fc 2022-11-10 13:00:00Z 0

Weftshop Artisan Story

WEFTshop is one of the Rotary Club of Maroubra's international projects. Below is a link to the following:
An artisan speaks...
By supporting WEFTshop, you are not only helping our artisans care for themselves and their families, but you are also building up their whole community.
The Rotary Club Maroubra is proud of the work of Weftshop and all the volunteers.
Weftshop Artisan Story fc 2022-11-04 13:00:00Z 0

Metabolic Fitness

Metabolic Fitness with Zsolt Nagy
‘The never diet’
Zsolt presented his research on Metabolic Health. After two years of studies, he came to the conclusion that current diets don’t work in the long run.
He presented his solution which involves three steps water fasting, exercise and nutrition. Currently, Zsolt is working on a structured program and his website will be up soon.
In short, his research has found that in order to find our ideal weight we need to engage our Ketones. The best way to achieve this by step by step water fasting system. Starting with a weekly 24-hour water fast for four weeks and then moving to a three-day water fast once a month. Achieving this will reset the body and engage the Ketones and your body will naturally find its ideal weight…..so the theory goes.
Metabolic Fitness fc 2022-11-02 13:00:00Z 0

Men's Shed 

The Men's Shed presented by Rtn Bruce Lord.

The Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) is the national service provider supporting more than 1,200 Men’s, Women’s and Community Sheds and is recognised as one of Australia’s largest male-based community development organisations.

AMSA was established in 2007 by a collection of Australian independent community-based Men’s Sheds to represent, support and promote the Men’s Shed movement. It was founded on the principle of sharing information between sheds and those communities wishing to establish and operate a Men’s Shed. It acts as a central hub for information exchange

Waverley Community Men's Shed Inc operates on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 10am to 3pm.

Their aim is to provide the Eastern Suburbs with a safe, friendly and inclusive place for men to meet and work on projects in the company with other men. Or to simply hang out and chat over a cuppa.
We are located in the picturesque oasis of the historical War Memorial Hospital, a Uniting facility, on many bus routes and only 10 minutes walk from Bondi Junction. 

Men's Shed fc 2022-10-25 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary World Polio Day Oct 24

Thank you Rotarians!

Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. Our goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever.

As a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we've reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979.

Rotary members have contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort.

Today, polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But it’s crucial to continue working to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year.

Please note Channel 9's news on this subject and remember Rotary was and is the driving force to eradicate polio, not the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Rotary is raising $150 million which is the third highest contributor,

Rotary is committed to raising $50 million per year over the next three years, with every dollar to be matched with two additional dollars from the Gates Foundation. This expanded agreement will translate into up to a total of $450 million to support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

“As the first organization to envision a polio-free world, Rotary is more committed than ever to delivering on our promise that one day, no child will ever again be paralyzed by polio,” said Rotary President Jennifer Jones. “Our partnership with the Gates Foundation helps us eliminate any impediment to conquer polio now."

Rotary World Polio Day Oct 24 fc 2022-10-18 13:00:00Z 0

District Goals

District Goals for 2022- 2023  D9675 Sydney, Macarthur, to the Illawarra
There will be democratically elected community leaders for groups of 10 to 25 clubs
September clubs vote to accept or reject pilot…abstain will be a no vote.
Each Rotary club gets a single vote. If your club does not vote, it will be assumed to be NO.
The vote will be conducted electronically by Rotary Staff in Sydney
Membership and New Style Clubs - Renga Rajan and Stephen Knightly
Continue expansion of Traditional Clubs  - Each One Bring One
Diversity Equity and Inclusion – Dr Sonu Bhaskar
Adopt DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) Policy in clubs to enhance membership
Foundation – Keith Roffey
Foundation giving
Support Polio Plus – Great Train Ride
Centenary Project - GECAF
Marketing & Communications - Jeremy Wright
Establish a revised Communications Team with Social Media skills and ongoing operations
Rebuild and increase profile and use of the District Website
Governance - Ron Browne
Aim for 70% of Clubs having a Strategic Plan and Citation Goals entered into ClubRunner
Re-enforce Club Governance, with 95% Audits/AGM/Board Elections in Clubs
Awards and Recognition- PDG Bill Salter
Recognise Rotarians for Service at district
Sustainability and Peace and The Environment.
Empowering Women and Girls
Diversity Equity and Inclusion.
Learning & Development – Julie Collerada
Increase use of On-Line Learning by all AGs, Presidents and Boards
80% Attendance at Pre-PELDS , PELDS, District Assembly, President’s Meetings
Community Services – Sue Clarke
Continue to support portfolio of Indigenous programs
Consolidate Empowering Women and Girls  - District Award by self-nomination
International Community Services – Lynne Bruce
Continue to support the Centenary Project – GECAF
Explore further support for programs Empowering Women and Girls
Finalise Global Grant procedures and fully exploit funds available for Communities
Vocational – Tony Luck and Shane Burette
Continue to support and expand partnership with PCYC
Continue to support established  District Programs – RESCA, RIWA, POOTY, Int. Women.
Next Generation – Margaret Noonan
Ensure RYLA, RYPEN, MUNA, INTERACT, NYSF  will continue and expand
Re-Invigorate, support and charter new Rotaract and Interact Clubs
Dr Janice M Hall
District Governor, 2022-2023  Sydney, Macarthur and  the Illawarra
Ambassador for Empowering Women and Girls
District Goals fc 2022-10-12 13:00:00Z 0
Memoirs - Story App by Tim Kay fc 2022-09-26 14:00:00Z 0

Philippines School Project 

A library that we helped build
Our Maroubra Rotary Member Dee Mills spoke at our recent meeting about her latest visit to the Philippines. She travels there annually for business and whilst there visited the primary school that our club and Dee's business and friends network has supported over the last 5 years. It's via our generosity that this school of over 3000 students even has a library. The students at the school live in the surrounding shanty town and has no running water. It's collected in rainwater tanks and buckets are used to flush the toilets. Drinking water is paid for and brought in. Due to the pandemic, it's the first time Dee has visited the school in 3 years and it was an excellent opportunity to connect face to face. Besides running water (if anyone knows how to negotiate with 5-star hotel chains because the school is over the back fence of at least 4 hotels and perhaps we could just run a pipe from their property...), they still appreciate reading books and teaching resources (posters and charts for the walls) and of course, we need the $$ to send these items to the Philippines. Dee will let us know when she's doing another collection of books. Right now she needs $$ to send 8 large boxes, full of books and resources. The boxes cost $145 each to send.
Philippines School Project Dee Mills 2022-09-20 14:00:00Z 0


What about Air Quality? Sylvana representing Airsteril, presented the newest range of air sanitiser units that remove bacteria, germs, moisture and smells. These units are especially practical for Age Care facilities where air cleanliness is a very important aspect to the well-being of the residents.
Sylvana fc 2022-09-15 14:00:00Z 0

Digital X

David Nguyen of DigitalX was our guest speaker. DigitalX wishes to make people’s lives better by making Safer, Securer and Smarter products via innovation and technology. DigitalX's Open-AIoT Platform for Home is the truly 4.0 Smart Home solution where your Home is there to fully serve you. This true All-in-one platform utilises all smart devices, making it easily connect and securely interact with the H2X Cloud and other connected IoT devices.
Digital X fc 2022-09-05 14:00:00Z 0

New Rotarians Leigh and David

The Rotary Club of Maroubra President Francis (centre) officially welcomed Leigh (left of the President) and David (right of the President) to the Club.
Leigh has the classification of 'Graphic Design and she has been allocated to Membership under the stewardship of Vivienne (far left).
David has the classification of 'Computing' and he has been allocated to Service Project under the stewardship of Simon (far right) and also acting as Sergeant at Arms.
The Club is greatly enriched by our new members who bring a fast amount of life experience and dedication to our cause.
New Rotarians Leigh and David fc 2022-08-29 14:00:00Z 0

My Story - Leigh

Newest member Leigh Striegler shared the life and times of Leigh in 20 short slides alongside a piece of homemade apple pie a la mode giving us all a snapshot of the life she left behind in Vancouver to join her fiancé Fred in Maroubra 8 months ago.
My Story - Leigh fc 2022-08-25 14:00:00Z 0

Sio Ratu Foundation

Hannah More the owner of the Bogey Hole Café, the charming heart of Bronte Beach’s bustling café scene was our guest speaker to talk about the Sio Ratu Foundation.
Hannah has four children three are birth children and one is adopted. The adopted child Sio came along to the Rotary meeting as he was the inspiration to form this foundation.
Sio Ratu Foundation fc 2022-08-15 14:00:00Z 0

Joe Durate Guest Speaker

Joe Durate of PIVOTAL was our speaker. His human resources consultancy company has been working in the field of training and recruiting since 1991.
Joe laid out what has led to the current labour shortages and what needs to be done for the future. He claims that the labour shortages have been around for a long time and Covid has just worsened the situation.
He argued that the solution is a move back to basics with Government and Industry working together to address the real issues.  With rising, inflation and interest rates many small and medium size businesses will experience financial hardship and the lack of staff will be the death nail as these businesses will not be able to produce the goods and services required. Therefore real leadership and vision will be required at the scheduled 'Job Talk Fest' in September. The outcome of this meeting will shape the future of Australia.
Joe Durate Guest Speaker 2022-08-08 14:00:00Z 0

Katoke Trust

The Katoke Trust

Our guest speaker Dr Alan Watson founded the Katoke Trust for Overseas Aid which is funding and supporting a sustained, multipronged attack on extreme poverty in the Katoke area of Tanzania. The Trust is a grass-roots Christian organisation that provides aid for people irrespective of their race, colour or religion. Administered and run by a passionate group of volunteers in Sydney, Australia, the Trust projects are cost-efficient and delivery- effective with virtually 100% of proceeds going directly to the Trust’s projects in Tanzania.

Education is the most sustainable form of aid and is the cornerstone of our work. The major project, the secondary school, is meeting the great need for secondary education in Tanzania where less than a third of children had access to an education beyond primary school.

Katoke Trust fc 2022-08-04 14:00:00Z 0

Social Night Out

Posted on Jul 26, 2022
Oh, how sweet it was to have an informal dinner out with Rotary friends.
We enjoyed, what seemed to be a million courses dinner and were stuffed to the gills - thank you Niji Japanese restaurant for taking good care of us.
Our President involved everyone in a 10-question quiz about Japanese food and Dee won hands down. Well, she did have an advantage...Dee lived in Japan for several months.
It was a wonderful evening and we plan to have the next one to celebrate Oktoberfest in late September/October
Social Night Out fc 2022-07-25 14:00:00Z 0

Find my Australia

Find my Austalia 
Greg Tannos our guest speaker, presented his close encounters with humpback whales and his recent exploration of Aboriginal caves near Maroubra.
His presentation included videos, still pictures and complete short documentary video clips. Greg was our guest speaker almost two years ago and we could all see the tremendous improvement in his video documentaries and storytelling. Maybe Greg is our Maroubra David Attenborough. 
This was a terrific night and much enjoyed by all the members. You can follow Greg's adventures on Facebook or Youtube under Find my Australia.
Find my Australia fc 2022-07-18 14:00:00Z 0

Social Night Out

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Based on your favourable response at our last meeting, we are planning a Social Night Out on Monday, July 25. This is a perfect opportunity to bring along interested friends to meet our Club members informally.
So instead of coming to the Kingsford Juniors, please come to Niji Japanese Restaurant by 19:00 located at 4/333 Anzac Parade, Kingsford NSW 2032.
There is lots of off-street parking in the area and is accessible by Light Rail and bus services ... or s short walk from the Juniors.
The cost of the set dinner is $39 per person. Please pay on the night or direct into your Rotary bank account. Drinks are not included and you would have to pay for your own on a  cash basis.
Although, we have booked a private area we still need to inform the restaurant of the number of guests ahead of time. Therefore please let me know by Friday, July 22.
For restaurant details: https://www.niji.com.au/contact/
Social Night Out fc 2022-07-15 14:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
A big thank you to everyone that attended the Changeover night.
It was a great pleasure to remind all of our Rotarians and guests of the wonderful achievements our Club made in the last year, even with Covid making it very difficult.
Looking forward, we have a very interesting year ahead with our main objective being to increase our membership. Other objectives include the continuation of most of our current project and partnerships, continuing our focus on the needs of our local community and supporting the great Rotary community in general..
Please continue your effort and support of our Club
Presidents Message fc 2022-07-14 14:00:00Z 0


July 11, Tara Coleman PCYC
Tara delivered a very polished presentation to the Club. She provided all the historical background and a list of the many projected PCYC undertakes.
It was noted that we have many common objectives for the community and therefore our continued relationship will be strengthened going forward. Just recently the Rotary Club donated $500 to Star Jump.
Our upcoming project is RAGE and we are very excited to announce that a qualified person has been found. Therefore this project will commence in the very near future.
PCYC 2022-07-14 14:00:00Z 0
Message from the President Francis Cochrane 2022-07-10 14:00:00Z 0

RAWCS needs Your Support

New RAWCS project  - Again, we need to be “people of Action”!

As you would be aware there are parts of NSW that are facing hardship because of flood waters AGAIN. The RAWCS Executive yesterday responded to the crisis with a new project to launch an appeal to support the Rotary Clubs near or within the affected areas, enabling them to respond to those in need because of this most recent disaster.

I provide the following link for your information and support to “get the message out”.



RAWCS needs Your Support fc 2022-07-05 14:00:00Z 0

Salvation Army 

The Rotary Club of Maroubra welcomed Lt. Kevin Williams Salvation Army July 4, 2022.
Image preview
Lt Kevin Williams provided the members with a history of the Salvation Army and its current work in Maroubra. Unfortunately, post-Covid and with the current economic crisis, the needs of the community have increased tremendously. Drug addiction and homelessness are on the rise.
Salvation Army fc 2022-07-04 14:00:00Z 0

Sydney Community Foundation

The Rotary Club of Maroubra welcomed Loredana Fyffe of the Sydney Community Foundation
The Sydney Community Foundation is a Not for Profit Foundation and reports to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. It is governed by a board of independent directors.
Sydney Community Foundation 2022-07-04 14:00:00Z 0

A special appearance from Lt. Kevin Williams from The Salvation Army

Posted on Jul 04, 2022
Lt Kevin Williams provided the members with a history of the Salvation Army and its current work in Maroubra. Unfortunately, post-Covid and with the current economic crisis, the needs of the community have increased tremendously. Drug addiction and homelessness are on the rise. There are good opportunities for the Rotary Club of Maroubra to get more involved to help our community.
A special appearance from Lt. Kevin Williams from The Salvation Army   Francis Cochrane 2022-07-03 14:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Logo

According to the Rotary International website. Jennifer Jones imagines Rotary fulfilling big dreams. "Imagine, a world that deserves our best where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference."

For the full announcement shown on the Rotary,org website, click here.
Imagine Rotary the theme for 2022-2023 explained by incoming President Jennifer Jones.

The theme graphic was designed by an Australian indigenous artist to link with the Melbourne convention in 2023.

Circle - connections to one another

Dots around it - Our People
There are 7 Dots because of our Rotary’s 7 areas of focus

Circle + dots around it - Navigation star, our guiding light

Green solid line - digging stick (used when doing hard work);
for us it’s People of Action, represents the tools for getting things done

Colors: Purple, Green & White -
Celebrate DEI- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Freedom to express ourselves differently but still with a special connection.

Purple- Polio
Green- the Environment
White - Peace
New Rotary Logo fc 2022-07-01 14:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Year

Meet our new Rotary International President - Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Jones was the first woman to be nominated to be president of Rotary International. Jones understands how important it is to follow through on Rotary’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement. “I believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion … begins at the top and for us to realize growth in female membership and members under the age of forty — these demographics need to see their own reflection in leadership,” Jones said. “I will champion double-digit growth in both categories while never losing sight of our entire family.”
New Rotary Year fc 2022-07-01 14:00:00Z 0

Changeover Night Invitation

Rotary club of Maroubra
Changeover night
You’re Invited to Celebrate with Us!
Monday, July 11, 2021
18:30 for 19:00
Special two-course menu $35pp
The Juniors Kingsford
558A Anzac Parade, Kingsford
NSW 2032
RSVP by Thursday, July 7 to:
Francis at rayb085@hotmail.com or call 0499109639
Changeover Night Invitation 2022-06-27 14:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Maroubra hosts Loredana Fyffe from The Sydney Community Foundation

Posted on Jun 27, 2022
The Sydney Community Foundation is a Not for Profit Foundation and reports to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. It is governed by a board of independent directors.
In essence, the Sydney community Foundation assists in achieving philanthropic goals through the Be Kind Sydney appeal. Loredana explained the many avenues the Foundation assist the Sydney community, one, of course, being the SECC van that we supported together.
Rotary Club of Maroubra hosts Loredana Fyffe from The Sydney Community Foundation   2022-06-26 14:00:00Z 0

The Shepherd Centre

President Francis thanking Nicola Norris
The Rotary Club of Maroubra was very privileged to host Nicola Norris of The Shepherd Centre.
Nicola spoke very eloquently about the tremendous work the Shepherd Centre is doing to help children with hearing loss.
The Shepherd Centre fc 2022-06-21 14:00:00Z 0

DG Visit

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
On Monday, June 6 District Governor Jeremy Wright attended the meeting together with the incoming ADG Vimla Hayman. Congratulations to Rotarians Simon, Vivienne, and John on being recognised with Avenue of Service Awards for their work for the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
As these are the last few meetings for this Rotary year, we hope to rap up in good form with several great speakers.
Our changeover night will be announced in due course. As we did not have one last year due to Covid, I trust it will be fully attended by everyone including partners. Please plan for July 11. If you are interested to help plan this event please let me know.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
Yours in Rotary,
President 2021-22
DG Visit 2022-06-13 14:00:00Z 0

President's Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
A very big thank you to the Rotary Board for their invaluable input and continuous commitment to the Club.
At a Board Meeting on Monday, May 30, the Board agreed to the following items, amongst others:
  • Confirmed the Board of Directors for 22/23 with the addition of Bruce Lord as Youth Director.
  • A donation to Shelterbox to purchase one Shelterbox.
  • A donation to be provided to Escabags.
  • A donation to be provided to the District Governor's project i.e PCYC Star Jump Challenge 
  • The Changeover be held in early July details to be advised
Unfortunately, the Club Assembly was a bit of a fizzer as no other members other than BoD came to the meeting. This is quite disappointing as we would all like to be in this together and we value your ideas and suggestions.
Having said that, on Monday, June 6 District Governor Jeremy Wright will attend the meeting. We will be awarding several of our Rotarians with Avenue of Service Awards.
Therefore, I hope you can all make an effort to come to this meeting.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
Yours in Rotary,
President 2021-22
President's Message 2022-06-01 14:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message 

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
What a fantastic guest speaker we had with Ella McGaw. Thank you to all the Rotarians for the many guests in attendance.
On Monday we will have our Club Assembly and I am looking to your input for the coming Rotary year.
Hope you get a chance to visit Vivid this year.
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the Rotary Club of Maroubra.              
Yours in Rotary,
Rotary Club of Maroubra President 2021-22
Presidents Message 2022-05-27 14:00:00Z 0
Ella McGaw fc 2022-05-27 14:00:00Z 0

SECC Community Van

SECC Family Fun Day and the launch of
SECC Community Van
The annual SECC Family Fun Day, was held on 14 May at Eastlakes to coincide with World Day for Cultural Diversity and International Day of Families.
South Eastern Community Connect (SECC) hosted an Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony & Yaama Boys Dance & Didgeridoo Performance before the commencement of the Fun Day.
The SECC Community Van is now officially launched and on the road, supporting people across southeast Sydney
The van artwork by Peta-Joy Williams from Wiradjuri Wave.  Her breathtaking artwork is proudly displayed on The SECC Community Van and is a vibrant showcase of community, culture and respect for all walks of life. The title of the artwork is Ngumbaaydyil, a Wiradjuri word meaning 'all together in one place: all are one'.
SECC Community Van MP 2022-05-21 14:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
A very big ‘thank you' to Michael and his insights at the last meeting.
We had a good discussion and fellowship – so thank you all that attended.
This week we are featuring a young artist and we are looking forward to lots of support from our Rotarians.
Please remember to invite your local contacts to join us at our meetings as we want to focus on increasing our membership.
A quick note to everyone, we will have a Club Assembly on May 30. If you want to raise anything, please let me or any board member know so we can discuss it prior to the assembly.
Also please put in your calendar a visit from our District Governor Jeremy on June 6th.
I am looking forward to your ongoing support and commitment to the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
Yours in Rotary,
President 2021-22
Presidents Message 2022-05-18 14:00:00Z 0
SECC and Rotary 2022-05-18 14:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Again, a very big thank you to the many Rotarians that returned to our regular weekly meeting on Monday, May 9th.
Our guest speaker Con as it turns out, grew up just across of the Juniors and is a true local. Con was very engaging, and the statistic he presented were baffling as were the amazing opportunities that will come with Australia working closer with India.
As you know, Michael is looking for good guest speakers and if you have any leads, please sent them to him directly.
Please remember to invite your local contacts to join us at our meetings as we want to focus on increasing our membership.
This Saturday, Rotarians will join the SECC for the SECC Family Fun Day held on Evans Ave, Eastlakes in the Jack Mundey Reserve at 12:00 (noon).
I am looking forward to your ongoing support and commitment to the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
Presidents Message 2022-05-13 14:00:00Z 0

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
Through water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs, Rotary’s people of action mobilize resources, form partnerships, and invest in infrastructure and training that yield long-term change.

Water, sanitation and hygiene fc 2022-05-13 14:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker May 9

Doing Business with India
Con Livissianis
Managing Director at Exemplar
Con Livissianis is passionate about helping all people of the World. In recent years Con has been attracted to India and its wonderful people.
Con has been a Director and National Treasurer of the Australia India Business Council (2013-2019) and is now the Agribusiness Chapter Chair.
Con’s decades of experience in Australian Agricultural experience is reflected in his keynote speaker invitations from the Australian and India Governments.
Con’s passion is in digital transformation and digital analytics in:
• Food
• Water
• People
• Power
Con is an International Management Consultant with practical experience in change management, board effectiveness and ESG (Environmental Social Governance).
Guest Speaker May 9 fc 2022-05-03 14:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message May 6

Message from the President
Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
A big thank you to the many Rotarians that returned to our regular weekly meeting on Monday, May 2nd. We are back to normal, and I hope going forward that we can pick up and build on where we left off.
With this in mind, we have secured an excellent guest speaker for Monday, May 9, which will be the start of many interesting speakers to be featured. For this Monday, please invite interested businesspeople to this presentation. This may be a very enlightening presentation and discussion which is a great opportunity for business, networking and of course potential Rotary membership.
One of our most important goals is to increase our membership.
Due to the new reality, we live in now, there is a great need for community-based organisations such as us, as we can provide great benefits to business, social networking and community work.
Therefore, I request that you please invite your local contacts to join us at any regular meeting.
As the Rotary year is winding up there are many conferences and events as well as awards. You will receive this information in direct emails from our secretary. Please engage in these as much as you can.
I am looking forward to support and commitment to the Rotary Club of Maroubra.
Yours in Rotary,
President 2021-22
Presidents Message May 6 fc 2022-05-03 14:00:00Z 0

President Message April 26, 2022

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
We are very pleased to resume our weekly Rotary meetings on Monday, May 2, 2022.
The Juniors has, in line with recent government Covid guidelines, dropped the double vaccination requirement.
My hope is that we can now resume our weekly meetings with full attendance and resume our wonderful community projects.
I am looking forward to personally welcoming you all back.
Yours in Rotary,
President Message April 26, 2022 fc 2022-04-24 14:00:00Z 0
Anzac Day fc 2022-04-24 14:00:00Z 0

President Message March 30 2022

Fellow Rotarians and Friends, 

After consulting with the board, please note that we are suspending our face-to-face meeting until Monday, May 2. 

The reason for this decision is the current low rates of attendance, due mainly to the ongoing infection worries as well as the fact that April has a lot of Public Holidays that fall on Monday so we would not be having meetings anyway.  

So please put May 2nd into your calendar and aim to be present to relaunch our meetings like we had pre-covid. 

As you know heavy rain has and is likely to continue in the coming days, and many are feeling anxious about it. It is perfectly normal if you feel unsure about these rains, agitated, anxious or else. We have gone through difficult and exhausting times, and we need to acknowledge that any tension we feel within is normal. 

Here are a few things you can do: 

• Protect yourself from further harm 

• Acknowledge your concerns and address them calmly 

• If you feel like it, seek an opportunity to share your feelings with someone 

• Help others by deeply and compassionately listening to their feelings 

• Seek professional support if needed. 

In the meantime, please spare a thought for the many flood victims and consider donating funds to RAWCS. To make a donation to the appeal go to - https://directory.rawcs.com.au/47-2021-22 

Please stay safe and positive. 

Yours in Rotary,
President Message March 30 2022 Francis Cochrane 2022-03-29 13:00:00Z 0

RAWCS Update

(RAWCS) National Flood Appeal
Funds raised will provide financial assistance to flood victims in Queensland and Northern New South Wales – February 2022. It aims to assist those affected to get their lives and businesses back to normal as soon as possible.
Around 15000 homes have been flooded and some owners will be needing assistance to clean and refurbish their residences. Individuals who are adversely affected and require assistance will be identified and be given funds to help with their recovery. The priority is to get funds quickly to those who are in need to help them with the cleanup and damage caused by the floods.
RAWCS Update Eileen 2022-03-22 13:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Rotarian Vivienne was not well and could not represent our Club at the District Conference which was held this past weekend (18th to 20th March). At the time of writing this message, it was not clear if WEFT was able to find volunteers for their stall at the conference.
Unfortunately, last week the speaker was not able to come due to the vaccination restrictions at the Juniors. This current policy by the Juniors is up for review in May. Considering that Cruise Ships are coming back in April there may be a swift change in direction.
With the ongoing health situation, cancelled speakers and other issues, attendance at the meetings are low. Due to this, the weekly Durran Dura will not be printed and you will receive an electronic version instead.
You may have noticed the tremendous amount of flights coming and going from Sydney Airport with business travel, students and tourists returning. Sydney will soon be booming again and with it, we will need to return to our meetings and projects to full swing.
Please attend our meetings as we need your participation, fellowship and friendship.
Looking forward to your continuous support.
Yours in Rotary,
President 2021-22
Presidents Message fc 2022-03-18 13:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Firstly, a very big thank you to all who welcomed the Lord Mayor of Randwick Dylan Parker, to our Rotary Club of Maroubra. I understand it was a fabulous evening and an interesting address by the Mayor.
It is still time to book for the District Conference will be held on 18th to 20th March. If you are interested to participate, please look up the details on: https://www.rotarydistrict9675.org/Stories/district-conference-18th-to-20th-march
We have a fantastic lineup of guest speakers (thanks Michael). It is essential that we attend the meetings and be a good audience for these speakers or else we may not be able to attract future speakers.
Looking forward to your continuous support.
Yours in Rotary,
Rotary Club of Maroubra President 2021-22
Presidents Message 2022-03-09 13:00:00Z 0
Randwick Lord Mayor Visit FC 2022-03-09 13:00:00Z 0
District Conference 2022-03-02 13:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
The rain stays mainly in NSW … or is it Spain? Anyway, I hope you are all dry, safe, and happy.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for many of our country towns. I am sure that there are many ways you can help, and I hope you do.  Two of the many organisations raising funds to assist those affected by floods are Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) Ltd  https://rawcs.org.au and the Salvation Army on https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/.
This Monday, March 7 we are not only hosting the Lord Mayor of Randwick Cr Dylan Parker but more importantly, he will be inducted as an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Maroubra. It is requested that all able members attend this meeting. The Rotary Club of Botany Randwick will join us for this auspicious occasion.
The District Conference will be held from 18th to 20th March. If you are interested to participate, please look up the details on: https://www.rotarydistrict9675.org/Stories/district-conference-18th-to-20th March.
Looking forward to your continuous support.
Yours in Rotary,
Rotary Club of Maroubra President 2021-22
Presidents Message FC 2022-03-02 13:00:00Z 0

Message from the President

Posted on Dec 13, 2021
Fellow Rotarians and Friends, 
After a very tumultuous year, we have now come to the season when we celebrate with family & friends to give thanks, renew our faith and love for one another.
It is a time to celebrate all the achievements, achieved under very difficult and unprecedented times, and also recharge for a new year with optimism and energy.
With this in mind, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for persevering and pressing on with our Rotary meetings and projects.
I would like to personally thank Judi for her many contributions to the club and Wayne for taking over as our Treasurer. Especially a big thank you to John for the tremendous amount of secretarial works he has managed including our banking and investments. A very special thank you to Vivienne for keeping our current projects with the SECC and WeftShop going. Thank you also to Michael for his phenomenal knack to attract excellent guest speakers. Also, a very special thanks to Simon for representing me in conducting the face-to-face meetings and events. Special thanks to the 'editorial' team Emma, Eileen and Joe, and to Jan for his continued work on the market project. 
In the new year, we hope to recommence our regular face-to-face meetings. The first meeting will be the Eastern Suburbs joint meeting. The RC Bondi Junction will host this meeting at the Eastern Suburbs Rugby Club on Tuesday, 18th January 2022. Hence our first meeting at the Juniors will be the following week on January 24, 2022.
I wish you all a very peaceful and loving Christmas, and a healthy and back to 'normal' 2022 .
Message from the President   2021-12-12 13:00:00Z 0
Vivienne Pusey Wins Kingsford Community Award 2021-12-12 13:00:00Z 0
The Deli Women and Children's Centre  2021-12-12 13:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker - Marcus Erlich 2021-12-05 13:00:00Z 0
President's Message 2021-12-05 13:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker Anuya Velpanur from Primary Ethics 2021-11-25 13:00:00Z 0

President's Update

Posted on Nov 26, 2021
Rotary Club of Maroubra President, Francis Cochrane, shares his regular update following last week's meeting. 
President's Update 2021-11-25 13:00:00Z 0
RYLA Applications Open Until November 30 2021-11-14 13:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker, Dee Mills, joins Rotary Maroubra 2021-11-14 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary returns to in-person meetings! 2021-11-14 13:00:00Z 0


Posted on Sep 27, 2021
The Rotary Clubs of NSW hosted the 2021 NSW Rotary Inspirational Women’s Awards at a virtual celebration reaching out to rural locations from Casino in the North, Bega in the South, West to Dubbo and the urban centres of the Hunter, Illawarra and Sydney. Twenty finalists from all parts of the State were judged by Rotarians from Rotary Districts across the State.

Message from the President

Posted on Sep 27, 2021
Dear fellow Rotarians and Friends,
I trust everyone is well and looking forward to Sydney opening back up in October (fingers and toes crossed).
Message from the President   2021-09-26 14:00:00Z 0

Basic Education and Literacy

Posted on Sep 10, 2021
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month for Rotary.  This is one of Rotary’s six areas of focus.  Reading and writing are critical for success in life – for gaining information, communicating, making agreements, and so forth.
Basic Education and Literacy   2021-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

Basic Education and Literacy

Posted on Sep 10, 2021
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month for Rotary.  This is one of Rotary’s six areas of focus.  Reading and writing are critical for success in life – for gaining information, communicating, making agreements, and so forth. 
Basic Education and Literacy   2021-09-09 14:00:00Z 0
Gordon R. McInally of Scotland selected to be2023-24 Rotary International President   2021-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

Message from the President

Posted on Sep 10, 2021
Dear fellow Rotarians and Friends,
I don’t know about you but I am over it. Luckily, Spring has come which is a time for renewal, growth and optimism. I hope you are feeling this too.We will start off with a ‘regular’ but shortened Rotary meeting on September 13, at 19:00.
Message from the President   2021-09-09 14:00:00Z 0

SECC Thanks Maroubra Rotary Club

A message from the SECC: "Thank you to Vivienne and the community at Rotary Club of Maroubra who have generously donated $2,200 worth of pantry and personal hygiene products to The People’s Pantry."
SECC Thanks Maroubra Rotary Club 2021-08-26 14:00:00Z 0
Message from the President 2021-08-26 14:00:00Z 0

Supporting the SECC

Posted on Aug 15, 2021
Our Club is once again supporting the local community by working in partnership with SECC (South Eastern Community Connect).
Supporting the SECC 2021-08-14 14:00:00Z 0

Message from the President

Posted on Aug 15, 2021
President of the Rotary Club of Maroubra, Francis Cochrane, provides an update to all members and friends of Rotary. Fortnightly Zoom meetings are scheduled from August 16th. 
Message from the President   2021-08-14 14:00:00Z 0
Congratulations and Thank You to Our Raffle Winners 2021-06-30 14:00:00Z 0
Rotary Magazine 2021 Photo Awards   2021-06-16 14:00:00Z 0
Esme Nasser donates to Club's Philippines project 2021-06-16 14:00:00Z 0
Rotary District 9675 - Changeover 2021 2021-06-16 14:00:00Z 0
Artwork Raffle June at Pacific Square, Maroubra from 19th to 27th June 2021-06-16 14:00:00Z 0

Successful evening with Weftshop

Posted on Jun 07, 2021
(Pictured: Vivienne, Emma and Debra from WeftShop and PE Francis). It was a fun evening with guests & friends at our recent meeting and Weftshop sale. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, Weftshop made $1200.

Successful evening with Weftshop 2021-06-06 14:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Sydney—100th Anniversary   Michael Pusey 2021-05-30 14:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Bruce Lord

Posted on May 31, 2021
President Simon with guest speaker Bruce Lord. Bruce, a past Rotary exchange student, spoke about the influence the opportunity for student exchange had on his life.
Guest Speaker Bruce Lord 2021-05-30 14:00:00Z 0

Upcoming Events

Posted on May 24, 2021
Weftshop will be visiting on Monday, May 31st. The annual Changeover Meeting is on Monday, June 28th. 
Upcoming Events 2021-05-23 14:00:00Z 0
Club Assembly Notices 2021-05-23 14:00:00Z 0
Bruce Macarthur formally inducted into the Maroubra Rotary Club Michael Pusey 2021-05-23 14:00:00Z 0

May is Youth Service Month

Youth Service Month is a special time in Rotary. Throughout the month of May, members of Rotary clubs, Rotaract, Interact, and those involved in Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and Rotary Youth Exchange celebrate the opportunities Rotary provides to connect, grow through service, develop leadership skills, mentor or be mentored, and have fun.
May is Youth Service Month 2021-05-09 14:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker Nathan Taylor - Australian Rotary Health Indigenous Scholarship  Michael Pusey 2021-05-09 14:00:00Z 0
World Malaria Day: WHO launches effort to stamp out malaria in 25 more countries by 2025 Michael Pusey 2021-04-29 14:00:00Z 0
A successful Rotary fundraising collaboration with Maroubra and Sydney clubs 2021-04-26 14:00:00Z 0
Join the Rotary Fundraiser at Bunnings Eastgardens during ANZAC weekend Emma Raymond 2021-04-22 14:00:00Z 0
La Perouse Museum Hosts Rotary Club of Maroubra   Michael Pusey 2021-04-18 14:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker Nick Hollo presents "Reading The Land"  Michael Pusey 2021-03-26 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Maroubra supports Weftshop Michael Pusey 2021-03-26 13:00:00Z 0
Commemorative coins to mark the Centenary of Rotary in Australia  Michael Pusey 2021-03-14 13:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker Helen Empacher, Principal of Maroubra Junction Public School 2021-03-14 13:00:00Z 0

Club Awards Announced

Immediate Past District Governor Dianne North has congratulated all the clubs in our District for the effort they have put into the 2019-20 Rotary year. During a difficult year all clubs should be congratulated on the way they adapted to the many challenges that occurred during the year.
Club Awards Announced 2021-03-07 13:00:00Z 0

Maroubra Rotary Hosts Geraldine Star and Guests

President-Elect Francis (centre) with guests: Tony Armstrong (Rotary Club of North Vancouver), Paula Johnson,  Geraldine Star (speaker), Prof. Michael Johnson.
Geraldine Star was our guest speaker and spoke about the process involved in writing her new book, She-Oak.
Maroubra Rotary Hosts Geraldine Star and Guests 2021-03-07 13:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Club of Sydney shares Rotary Centenary plans for 2021 Emma Raymond 2021-03-04 13:00:00Z 0
Fashion Designer, Catharina Duval De Navarre, speaks to Rotary about fashion and sustainability 2021-02-25 13:00:00Z 0
IWD on March 8th 2021-02-25 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd. (RAWCS) Michael Pusey 2021-02-25 13:00:00Z 0
ShelterBox recognizes Rotary with Global Humanitarian Service Award   Emma Raymond 2021-02-10 13:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker Michael Hawthorne Emma Raymond 2021-02-04 13:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President-elect Shekhar Mehta announces 2021-22 presidential theme

Incoming Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta a member of the Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar, West Bengal, India, revealed the 2021-22 presidential theme, Serve to Change Lives, to incoming district governors on 1 February during the Rotary International Assembly.
He urged members to become more involved in service projects, saying that caring for and serving others is the best way to live because it changes not only other people’s lives, but also our own.
Rotary International President-elect Shekhar Mehta announces 2021-22 presidential theme   2021-02-03 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Says Thank You Emma Raymond 2021-01-27 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club community work in the 1990s 2021-01-27 13:00:00Z 0
Rotarian Ken Hutt to paraglide off Everest for “End Polio Now” 2021-01-15 13:00:00Z 0
Rotary Maroubra rolls out a truck-full of donations for Mascot locals Vivienne Pusey 2020-11-29 13:00:00Z 0
Bruce Macarthur awarded Kingsford Smith Community Service Award Emma Raymond 2020-11-25 13:00:00Z 0
The Weft Shop Project Vivienne Pusey 2020-01-02 13:00:00Z 0 fair trade,not for profit,rotary club maroubra,weftshop
Maroubra Fun Run and Oktoberfest Dee Mills 2020-01-02 13:00:00Z 0 Maroubra Fun Run,Volunteers,rotary club maroubra

Rotary Club of Maroubra 60th Anniversary

The Rotary Club of Maroubra celebrated it's 60th Anniversary in February 2020.
Rotarians Past and Present and anyone else that has been involved in any of the projects over the last 60 years were invited to attend.
Monday 17th February 2020
6.30pm for a 7pm start
Bonnie Doon Golf Club, Banks Avenue, Pagewood NSW
Tickets: $80 for a 3 course dinner with a cash bar
Dress: Lounge Suit
Wednesday 29 January
Eileen Birchmeier
Email: ebirch1@bigpond.com
Rotary Club of Maroubra 60th Anniversary Dee 2019-12-27 13:00:00Z 0 60th anniversary,rotary club maroubra

Saving lives in Ghana

What is it like taking a large team to Africa?  It has probably been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. In mid February, I began leading Rotary members from all over the East Coast of the United States through Ghana. I’ve tried to give the team a warm Ghanaian welcome like I’ve received on my earlier trips. A large trip is a real blessing because each person sees Ghana and our work in a different way.

A highlight for the team was greeting the chief of Sagadugu. The team got excited about buying goats and food for children in the villages where I support eight churches. It was good to see the pastors of most of the eight churches, and I had to explain that we were just passing through on our way to Bolgatanga.
Saving lives in Ghana 2016-08-05 00:00:00Z 0

Helping people with disabilities make their own music

Music has been an important part of leading an ordinary life for students at the Music School for Children With Disabilities in Honor of Paul Harris in Lublin, Poland. Founded by Rotary members, the school serves 20 students with various disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, and visual impairments. The Rotary Club of Lublin-Centrum-Maria Curie-Sklodowska has provided funding with help from Rotary Foundation Matching Grants and the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society, which houses the school.
After their son Mateusz was born with underdeveloped eyes, Mariusz and Joanna Kania looked for ways to help him be active. When he showed an aptitude for music, they looked for a teacher and were thrilled to find the Paul Harris music school.
Helping people with disabilities make their own music 2016-08-05 00:00:00Z 0

Finding Safe Haven

For years, Angalia Bianca had slept in abandoned buildings throughout Chicago. She stole. She did drugs. She spent time in and out of jail for forgery, theft, trespassing, and possession of narcotics. But after she landed in prison for the seventh time, something changed -- Bianca knew she wanted a better life. She just didn’t know how to make it happen.
After serving her time, Bianca sought help from a local homeless organization, A Safe Haven, and moved to its shelter in the Rogers Park neighborhood. Bianca followed the program closely -- she attended all the required meetings, passed drug tests, and volunteered at every opportunity.
Finding Safe Haven 2016-08-05 00:00:00Z 0

India celebrates three years without polio

Throughout India and around the world, Rotary clubs are celebrating a major milestone: India has gone three years without a new case of polio. The last reported case was a two-year-old girl in West Bengal on 13 January 2011. To mark this historic triumph, Rotary clubs illuminated landmarks and iconic structures throughout the country with four simple but powerful words, "India is polio free."
The three-year achievement sets the stage for polio-free certification of the entire Southeast Asia region by the World Health Organization. The Indian government also plans to convene a polio summit in February to commemorate this victory in the global effort to eradicate polio.
India celebrates three years without polio 2016-08-04 14:00:00Z 0